Saturday, April 18, 2009

Hmmm...About that illness of last post

It was a baby!!

After 9 years of marriage and 7 years of trying we were finally pregnant. That little girl was born Feb 24 and has her own blog.

Almost another full year. I am now 239lbs and miserable. Tuesday it will be 8 weeks since her birth. I weighed 262 days he was born. I was at 131 a week ago but carb cravings have really hit with all the stress and sleep deprivation. And I only have 3 hours with my hands free per day and there is so much to do.... shower, wash dishes, sweep, cook, put things away, laundry, exercise, Bible reading, catch up with friends and family, help Jason with his art career, and of course I would like to relax a bit sometime! I have to choose between those things each day and most days not all of them get done. Just like all moms! And I have been healing from a traumatic birth, surgery and a week in the NICU.

I am finally feeling a bit more like myself and now notice the flab and rolls and thunder thighs and that I would have much more energy if I was fitter! My diabetes control is terrible. It has been averaging 150!!!! I take 20u of Lantus and 10-15u of Novolog per meal. YOUCH! The insulin makes me fatter also. I dont want to raise Ellie to suspect I have body image issues and worse to not be fit enough to be all I can be and do with and for her.

But I am battling the carb addiction again as well as wondering just how many I can cut without affecting my milk supply as I am exclusively breastfeeding. How low can I go when sudden changes in diet affect milk supply is the common truth? Can simply limiting my carb intake to 12-20-20 make enough of a differance in my diaetes, health and most important to me right now- weight as it is combined with breastfeeding and as much exercise as I can cram in? We will see if I can find the gumption to do so... I am so tierd all the time that I boost my energy with sugar or I would ever make it through the day.


I want to look like I did back the first week of June last year

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