Thursday, September 23, 2010

Day 1 Report

Stuck to the plan. 15u Lantus and 1 Met at each meal.
Need to tweak the calories and protein:
1435Cal,121 fat, 35 carb, 65 pro.
Avg from 10 tests 105! No Novolog taken.

Yesterday was 175!

244lbs today.

I feel great. Reisisted even the shall remain nameless whole grain carbs fed to J and E! Did have 7 grapes tonight... but it was counted in the total above and didnt budge my bG. Don't feel deprived. Drank more water. Felt very satisfied and full till evening. Can see I need more calories.

Went for a stroll with E and dog. Blew bubbles on the front porch.

J's is working his last night for a bit. Yay!

Journaled often. Realizing much. I feel stronger and clearer. I am pleased I am taking a positive step.

Went to library and checked out some Waldorf parenting books. have almost completed an adorable tissue paper and ribbon butterfly mobile for E to play with/look at.

In my journaling and feedback from J I figured out why time seems like it never passes and I get so very stuck and immobolized. Had a paradigm shift that feels natural and fluid. I think that was a key!

Had the opportunity to set a boundary with a 'friend'. Using my new words and techniques I have been taught. It went well. I was upset about something she had said about a horse I had given her, I called her back and clarified things with her and I feel stronger and that issue is no longer an issue with her. I gently confronted her instead of letting the slight fester. A big step towards being able to set boundaries and be loving with my family.

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