Monday, April 28, 2008

Gilad Total Body Sculpt Works For Me!

So Gilad Total Body Sculpt must be working!!! In the past week I have lost 1" off my waist and my stalled weight loss has picked up again and I have lost 2.5 lbs..... But I have had to drop from 9u Lantus, to 8 to 7, to 6 and since I am running mid 70's today I need to drop yet again to try 5u!!! I am also fitting into clothes I have not worn since 04!!!


I have made some modifications. When we lift weights in this program I use Dr. B's upside down pyramid method, going with whatever combo of free weight pair is the highest lbs doing 3-4 (as many as I can) and then working down the weight scale until I complete the set. My muscle gain is much quicker now to and it must really be improving the insulin receptor situation!

I am also continuing to walk at least 6 days a week depending on the weather, at 2.5-3mph for 30 minutes in the afternoon or evening.

Sunday night I did 20 minutes on the treadmill because it was to cold and windy to go out. I alternated incline and mixed the 3mph walking with 2 minute bursts of 4.5 to 6mph jogging. I LOVED it and was sweating my arse off, went almost 1.5miles and burned 112 calories. But alas, my old injured ankle has been protesting to the point I fear I will not be able to even walk if I continue such a program. This makes me very sad. I need to get a bike!

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