Tuesday, November 10, 2009

So I keep coming back posting the same thing....

I have been so busy with Ellie and household and etc... in fact this is the first HOUR I have had to myself in months. J is watching E.

Just found out a week ago Mom is cancer free, slowly feeling the burden lift, it has been a terrifying and stressful YEAR. Slowly coming to terms with the birth. Was even able to put together a photo book of the images. I have much to be grateful for.

Low carb is something I can do for ME every day. Already eating healthier mostl since E is eating with us. Ia ms till nursing, we dance and walk everyday and she is a move so I am often on my feet chasing after her or doing laundry/dishes/vacuuming/scrubbing.... I burn alot of calories. I am in a routine now that stays about the same depending on E and outside events. I am in the habit of making a menu and 1 grocery trip and cooking in advance as well as eating most any meat. So, all the building blocks are there.

I am going to experiment with putting the scale away until Dec. 1 and let low carb just become a habit not an obsession....

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