Thursday, January 7, 2010

Boiled Custard for Breakfast

Still stalled.... Seriously putting away the scale until Feb 7. What is the worst that can happen as I am sticking to this WOE? That I maintain this weight and I keep stressing out dying to step on the scale 3 times a day- can I consider that as exercise? Best that can happen? I am surprised by losing 1 lb or so, and also gain some peace and confidence and happiness. I really think low carb treats, hormones, stress, sleep schedule are doing me in. But it is the best I can do at the moment. I don't even have a schedule because E sets that for me and she never ever tells me in advance so it is always a guessing game! I know some of you know what that is like, and thank you for your support, it means so much as I go through this. I am very very happy most of the time though, but sometimes I feel the need to be a little selfish- liek this blog for example- to keep myself sane.

I had low carb treats the go round before E and still lost tons of weight all at once. So I am not convinced that is to lame for the stall. I am suspecting that the more strenuous the exercise the more my body hold onto weight as it is protecting my milk supply.... Going to hook up the treadmill and try brisk walking and some flow yoga only this month.

I am also quiet happy with a protein shake for breakfast. I am putting a raw egg, cream, water, a cap of vanilla flavoring, pinch of salt and 2 caps vanilla DaVinci's into a blender with 1 scoop of Designer Whey Natural pro powder. TASTES LIKE BOILED CUSTARD!!! Yummy. Just discovered this yesterday. Y'all have got to try it, especially you Southerners who grew up on boiled custard. I also dicovered that if you put some DietRite Zero over a serving of Breyer's Carb Smart Vanilla Ice Cream, add some heavy cream to make it milky looking it is a SUPERB float. Cannot wait to try it once I find the Diet Shasta's around here... with ORANGE and ROOT BEER! why aren't there more soda manufacturer's using just Splenda and not aspartame? Health risks, mythical or not, aside I cannot stand the taste.

Am I supposed to tell you I recieve no endorsement money from these companies? If so, I don't never will and never have, and if I ever do for whatever reason I will let you know ahead of time. Ok? Don't you love government at work? Can't trust the people to be smart and wise and make good choices of common sense now can we?

Just thinking about not weighing and not doing Total Body Sculpt, Body Electric and All Star Workouts makes me ancy.... I am an addict. Apparently of many addictions.

1 comment:

Rishara said...

Do you have Diet Hanson's where you are? I like the root beer (made with Splenda) with a couple tbs of cream in it for a root-beer float like flavor.