Friday, January 15, 2010

I am so frustrated! I have put away the scale since the 4th or thereabouts. Weighed today. 228!!!! I am getting to walk 4x a week about a mile, I know I need more but the weather has been icy AND windy so hard to have E out long in the wrap and she is scared of the treadmill despite all I can do, it is a stage she is going through with the vacuum also so she cries and clings and even da wont do at night, it wakes her up if shes napping and I am to clumsy to justify wearign her while on the treadmill. I get to do half a bellydance workout and half a body scult workout about 5x a week. I have not cheated since the Holidays and even that was miniscule. I am using 75% less insulin. Having a pro shake for breakfast. Limited snacking as in not everyday and amounts of all food is measured. Carb count is always under 40 and usually at 30. My new 30 day average according to meter is 100bG woohoo!!!!

Possible problems? Sleep is not adequate I get about 6 for the first stretch and then am up for a couple hours to see J and fix food for him as he goes to work then as it is my only ME time to study Bible, diabetes, child rearing/education and do housework unencumbered, then I go back to bed for 1 or 2 hours and nurse E again throughout that time but I am also sleeping. Lack of good sleep causes stress and stress causes slow weight loss due to cortisol I am told. It could be hormones out of whack or thyroid since having E. We have insurance now so I am seeing a family Dr Monday for Diabetes and blood panel. And if he doesn't do a thyroid and hormone work up then I hear great things about the gyn I see in March. I am mid 30's I forget how old and that may play a part also. I am also extremely tired all the time.

Trudging on.

1 comment:

Daron said...

Just an FYI--- Like the blog. Put a feeds link on my site. But without post titles don't get a link... Not asking you to change a thing... just letting you know.