Thursday, January 28, 2010


Last night I did it. I quit talking about it and did it. I got on the treadmill for 20 minutes, .80 mile. I jogged for three minutes 2x at 4mph. I put it on an incline of 10 for 4 minutes at 3mph. It felt great! So good to jog again. Won't talk about the mammma belly that is tender this morning. Yay! Poor Ellie was upset, she did not like the mechanical noises or momma jogging. She only cried a bit as Da had her, holding her, dancing with her and playing. Low carb went well per normal except this morning I had 1 square inch of bagel with cream cheese with some club soda as J and I are both exceedingly nauseaus. Yuck! But it did settle my stomach to a bearable and functioning level. Which is very good as I have much to do before the 5-6" snow over sleet they are forcasting. We are having to pack up and go to the town 30 minutes closer to Jason's work so he does not have nearly 1 1/2 hours of driving in this mess. I would rather be snuggled at home but E will certainly enjoy her grandparents Hargrove. I hope to speak with J's brother about diabetes tonight he has just been put on Lantus.... Off to Bible reading and laundry.

1 comment:

The poor diabetic said...

Congrats on taking the first step, A journey of a thousand steps and what not the Chinese always say but you never truly enjoy something till you have gone through the whole thing and you pat yourself on the back for a job well done.
As diabetic's we are always preached upon to make exercise a part of our daily lives and here you are doing just that.