Monday, January 4, 2010

I', here, I'm here! Haven't fallen off the wagon or thrown in the towel. We went to Nashville on Friday and Saturday. Friday night Elie started puking, we thought it was just a fluke as she had no fever and was playing great so Saturday at 10a we went shopping and I am in jeans three sizes smaller! Now an 18 and L yoga pants instead of XL!!! Then Sat. night she started again and we headed home. She puked that night and Sunday. J and I started getting sick Sunday and are miserable... J is at work and I am chasing a much better seemingly healed energetic 10 month old while wishing I could curl up in the fetal position and read or watch a movie. No working out since Friday morning. bG is okay except a rise to 210 after feeling sorry for myself and nauseous and eating 15 club crackers..... Yuck!!!

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