Wednesday, January 27, 2010

10 Steps for Low Carb Success

It amazes me how choosing low carb is just natural for me now. I don't think about cooking any other way. I am not tempted by what I see on TV or in ads or menus. I look at them and say "hmmm, wonder if I can do that in a healthy and low carb way". How did I arrive here? What do I think are some key points to this successful lifestyle change?

1. Deep Motivation. I am motivated by wanting to live to see my daughter grow up and enjoy physical things with my family like hiking, horseback riding, kayaking and etc. I was motivated by low self esteem and desiring to look like a model but over time I have replaced that false motivation that is shallow and easy to drown in a pint of ice cream. I am also deeply motivated by the numbers on my glucose meter. I am now in a 30-day average of 97 and am on tiny amounts of insulin!

2. Support. I am blessed by a supportive husband who has chosen low carb also to lose the dangerous fat around his middle, and now as I recently saw on Jimmy Moore's post of low carb testimonies from reader, lessening his borderline sleep apnea. The Dr. Bernstein community forum. Blogs and personal emails from fellow low carbers like Jimmy Moore's Livin' La Vida Low Carb, The Lighter Side of Low Carb, Carbs Suck and more.

3. Journaling. I use my blog to record and 'put out there' anything I am dealing with on this journey as I tackle my health and diabetes. It is a process as I did not arrive at this weight over night and there are many emotional factors that helped add many of the pounds. I am working on shedding them pound by pound also. I am also trying to record some great recipes as I have time. This provides motivation also as I look back on photos and older posts from time to time, especially if I am feeling down I can see how far I have come.

4. A Stack of Low Carb Cookbooks. I have thousands of recipes bookmarked online, I love them. I print favorites out and put them in a binder in the kitchen so I can take notes on changes and impressions as I tailor them to us. But there is something so affirming, friendly, and supportive in having a nice stack of cookbooks from George Stella and Dana Carpender to greet me! And yes, I take notes in the margins of them also!

5. Low Carb Research. Between Dr. Bernstein's Diabetes Soloution book and forum, and Jimmy Moore's timely interviews and research of the leaders in low carb and health I can stay informed about my disease and low carb. This research just serves to back up and affirm the changes I am seeing in my blood panels, glucose meter, clothes size, moods, complexion,clarity of mind, and overall sense of well being and energy. I also enjoyed the DVD documentaries My Big Fat Diet about a Dr and First Nation's people of Alert Bay losing weight and gaining health by going back to a traditional low carb diet, and Fat Head a comedy documentary full of accurate research about the myths and truth of cholesterol and low carb.

6. Exercise. A commitment to move at least 15 minutes every day serves as a launching pad for more exercise as I have time during the day- I have an 11 month old so that is how most of my time is spent, there is little time for organized efforts! And if all I get in is 15 minutes I have met my commitment and do not feel guilty, thus easing stress and aiding in happiness and self esteem.

7. De Stressing. Essential to identify what is making me feel stress and find soloutions to ease it or remedy it.

8. Above All Prayer, God and Jesus!

9. Counting My Blessings. And realizing that I AM actually very happy and content. I just don't always see it. No, that does not mean I ignore real issues or deny myself sadness, it means I am truly happy most of the time and fail to recognize it.

10. One Step at a Time, One Day At A Time!

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