Sunday, April 18, 2010

Day 7 Thoughts, SUCCESS!

220.2 This morning! 6.4lblost this week! Wow! I feel great!

My mood is stable, I have tons of energy, my house is close to sparkling and decluttered thanks to FlyLady and the energy, my clothes fit better, I'm happier, my family is happier, the checkbook is happier (eating 3-4 meals a day of eggs, butter, cheese is very economical!)Thank you Jimmy Moore for the inspiration yet again!

While this is not an Egg Fest in the way Jimmy did, it is an EggFest that worked and is still working for me. With no sign of getting tired of eggs but still craving that buttery, cheesey, fluffy goodness that takes less than 5 minutes to make and minimal kitchen mess, what's not to love!

What rules have I stuck to?

1. Eat within 30 minutes of waking.

2. Always pair each egg eaten with 1TB of butter and 1oz of cheese and only once a day, if desired, add a sweetner.

3. Always have eggs for breakfast as it starts the day off on the right foot.

4. All meals that aren't eggs are to be under 12-15g carbs max, for no more than 30g carbs a day. Can fit in low carb sweets under those parameters if I want.

5. Do at least 15 minutes a day of movement (walking, workout, calisthenics, chasing E around yard etc.)

6. Get at least 8 hours of sleep total a day, nap as needed with Ellie.

7. Take time for Bible and prayer.

8. Keep a food journal including on FitDay.

9. LOVE MYSELF because without valuing myself I can't value or love others.

10. RELAX and SMILE!


Anonymous said...

This post just made me smile! I'm so happy to hear about your success. Congratulations! I think I may step into your shadow as I've had a rough time. I really enjoy your blog. =0)

Star said...

Thank you! Your comment had me glowing for days. I think an important part is keeping up with the journaling. I especially say that now, after my failure day!! You can do this! Onward!