Sunday, April 25, 2010

Perfection is impossible

Do I have a death wish? I must want to die. I carb feasted again last night as we had to stay a the inlaws one more time (they left E and I alone for a few hours to go to dinner and I practically stuffed my face with both hands) and have been out of control eating low carb goodies today (carbquick danishes).Took 40 units of Novolog over several hours to keep my Bg at 200!!! It is over 200 now.

I just feel like eating myself into oblivian. It's not that the food even tasted good. I just feel like life is spinning out of control, I am searching for a drug to slow it down. My heart aches and is empty all at once. I am spiritually, emotionally, and physically bankrupt. Only Ellie and J keep me going. I feel so trapped with no end like running in place in your dreams. And here I have even reversed the past weeks hard work and weight loss. I feel miserable. Why can't I stay focused with no relapses? It's not the diet- teh food is great. It is the 'drug' addiction that keeps me.

What is bothering me?

1. I can't get this house done it is like a nightmare I can't awaken from. And until the renovations are complete we cannot put it on the market and even then we will, of course, have no idea when or if it will sell. It is neverending and that leaves me feeling so desperate and isolated.

2. Until house sells we will be wasting time and money with J travelling so far each workday and it is so very hard on him. And I can do nothing about it. And then it will be hard trying to find a suitable home in our price range.

3. I am back to the thing that is my passion and I do not have the childcare or the money to go more than twice a month at most for riding lessons. And with no horse of my own I have no way to practice and stay fit for the demanding lessons. Riding again gives me so much joy just pure joy and I am so frustrated I can't do more! And then since we need a home in Lone Oak we can't afford a few acres to have a horse.... or the other things that give me joy- chickens, goats, gardening, heritage livestock for our food and others..... I feel I am losing me and what good is that to my family?

4. I am mad at myself because J and E should be enough joy for me.

5. I loathe my aging sagging body, my opinion of myself, my lack of joy, my lack of contributing anything to anyone.

6.I am furious at my brother for making choices that has 99% chance kicked my parents out of their home and left them with nowhere to go because he gave up and decided his wife should make the choice for him to live closer to her parents with no regard to the agony and hell my parents have been through this past year with moms near fatal cancer! Long story. Won't kow for sure untilt he hearing on May 5th

7. Mom has a scan tomorrow they suspect she has more cancer with a bad prognosis if so.

8. I am scared and worried about my parents.Mom is in constant pain and is now on a drug that helps her but is causing her to slip away from me.

9. I don't like being furious at my brother. But I can't get past this evil thing he has done right now because he has no regard for my parents agony.

10. I feel helpless.

11. I am a little upset deep down that throughout all of our travels and lack of money/ blessed with money has kept the thing that is his passion no matter what- art- and I have not been able to keep anything. Some of my passions - heirloom gardening, goats, heritage livestock- have as much potential to make us money as his art!

12. I don't like being upset about that as I love J deeply and he is an amazing husband and friend.

13. Until all this house crap is squared away I have little time for one on one with E, she just tags along, I wear her, or she plays with toys or at cleaning nearby and I pause when I can to read books and do art and am always available to snuggle.

14. I have no energy.

15. I have walked away from God again. I can't seem to stay on His path and the rollercoaster of near and far is making me exhausted.

Probably shouldn't post this because there are those who are 'close' to me who love to make trouble, but I really don't think those meddlers know about this blog.

What does this have to do with Low Carb? Everything. I didn't get so fat and unhealthy by being emotionally stable!

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