Monday, April 12, 2010

My EggFest begins!

"You are not behind- you are just getting started!" -FlyLady

Jimmy Moore has been doing an EggFest for a month now. He just ended this past Saturday. I read about it when he started and thought about starting. But I was not there yet. I was to addicted to carbs again and had no real desire to change. The past few weeks of severe mood swings, some depression, weight gain, and lack of much joy in life has made me jump off the cliff and into LC again.

I am going to follow the plan lined out on Day 1 of Jimmy's menu blog one meal at a time and see how long it goes. One moment at a time might work best for me as I am always setting lofty goals that I think are attainable but are not. FlyLady has taught me that about myself. It's like her quote that is a favorite of mine: "The voices that you hear in your head keep telling you that you are behind and you have to get it all done now! We are going to quiet those negative voices that are beating you up constantly and replace with a loving gentle voice that tells you that you are not behind and you can do this one BabyStep at a time!"

I think that my weight loss stalled and I became so discouraged because I was not eating small meals with high fat, adequate protein and low carbs every three hours. Breastfeeding is very demanding and it changed my metabolism. Looking back I lost alot of pounds eating every few hours and drinking lots of water to get my supply established and then I started following the rules that made me lose so much weight last time and I stalled. I think this is further evidenced by the fact I have been on a carb fest and only put on 2lbs over the past 6 weeks! I am still breastfeeding on cue so I believe my metabolism has not reverted to 'normal'. I also keep odd hours irregularly due to J's schedule and necessity so I will continue to eat within 30 minutes of waking up if I am going to be up more than an hour even if I know I am going back to sleep for a few hours.

Here are my dozen guidelines, most borrowed from Jimmy as seen in the link above:

1. Must eat eggs as the primary source of fat and protein.
2. 1 tablespoon of butter or coconut oil used per egg consumed.
3. I must eat an egg no later than 30 minutes after waking.
4. The egg meals ideally should be eaten every 3 hours, but not more than every 5 hours.
5. I will follow this schedule even if I'm not hungry, however I'll only have 1 egg when that happens.
6. Cheese will be permitted up to one ounce per egg.
7. A minimum of a half-dozen eggs must be consumed daily.
8. The eggs will be local pastured eggs loaded with healthy omega-3 fats and vitamin D.
9. Egg consumption will cease three hours before bedtime
10. Diet soda will be allowed up to 3 cans daily with a goal of 1 or less. Or 4 TB or less of DaVinci a day.
11. Post my menu at the end of each day.
12. Take each moment as it comes! Love myself!

Let the EggFest begin!


Anonymous said...

I look forward to reading your future posts. I just found Jimmy's blog and have been reading through his archives. You can do this! =0)

Jimmy Moore said...

Go get 'em, Star, and don't be surprised to learn a lot about yourself along the way. :)

Star said...
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Star said...

Thanks for the support lifehiccups! As you can see yesterday was not perfect but I am loving myself and with the weightloss and more stable mood it was still a success. I made the best choices I could with the circumstances yesterday, they were a bit unusual!

Hi Jimmy! I am already! For instance this morning I had a tsp of almond butter already... It is hard to do this and cook for two more in the house. Esp when J is asking for some of the gorgeous low carb recipes I just came across over at Lauren's Healthy Indulgences. I am working my way through your menu log a bit at a time. Very inspiring!