Thursday, December 31, 2009

Last day of 09 and I am feeling down. Dreary wet day with no chance of getting outside. I had envisioned being into my size 14 jeans by now. Despite all the great encouragement I feel so sad about that. Took a day off from working out as all my muscles were screaming and I had to have tylenol just to sleep the tension headache was so severe. Made the mistake of cooking with vital wheat gluten for peanut butter cookies, got the recipe in a low carb cookbook, I feel and am so bloated and gross feeling. Yuck! And my bG shot up to 130! Ah well.

On the bright side. Next year is a new year and it can be all low carb and healthier than ever! E will be 1 so soon and I am already thinking of another once I get healthy and fit again..... I miss her being tiny and cuddly and smelling of a newborn, it went by so very fast. I am also starting a program to read the Bible through in 90 days repeating that 4 times in 2010. I once read the Bible in 2 weeks so I am certain I can do this. I need to do it. I long to do it. But I have serious issues with sticking to anything I do....

What else? I feel great! Hoping that you, dear reader, whomever you are, do to!

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