Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Stalled Weight Loss, Help Please

I am stuck between 224-228 for 6 weeks now!!! ACK. What is going on? I am staying on plan on within 10 of plan. My bG is normalizing to under 110 consistently with fasting of 80 and 2 hr of 90's.... I am using 10u less insulin all the way around. My sleep is a bit wonky. I workout everyday and go for a 1 mile walk carrying a 20lb baby in a wrap at least 5 times a week (weather for E keeps me in sometimes if it is very windy or wet). I am so frustrated and if it weren't for the bG I would say ummm well, I would be done with it..... Any advice, tips or encouragement? I am in the process of using the search engine to find back posts from others...

So, I have been doing some searching over at Dr. Richard K. Bernstein's Forum and will then do some over at Jimmy Moore's site. But I need to crack down and reevaluate. I MUST MAKE CERTAIN I eat only 6-12-12. I will try that for 2 weeks, as well as fastidiously recording in fitday. If there is no change then I will start lessening protein bit by bit. I lost the most weight, interestingly, when I had 3 eggs scrambled with cream and butter and 3 strips of bacon every morning.... Must have jump started my metabolism. I have been having a pro shake or a lc muffin and cream. I have also been eating alot of lc goodies as I experiment with recipes and got through Holiday highs and lows and parties. Cutting that out for 2 weeks also. I hope.......


Grace2882 said...

Don't give up. I have faced stalls and while they are very discouraging it gives my body time to adjust. Did you measure yourself before you started dieting? What I noticed during the stalls was that my body was still losing inches. Try increasing your exercise a bit. You don't have to be drastic. Just try putting that beautiful baby of yours in a stroller and walking around the mall. I also try to not eat anything after 6 in the evening. This gives me at least 4 hours before I go to sleep to give my body time to digest my food before it is in the resting state. Be strong. It will come off.

Star said...

Thank you for your encouragement and tips Grace! I sure didn't measure and I kicked myself for it.My body does seem to be redistributing. And I am not anxious for a fast loss as I have much skin to shrink from baby and c-section. SO I must think of this as a good thing as I continue tweaking.

Grace2882 said...

You also have to remember that your hormones are also adjusting from the recent baby. If you are nursing you also have that to consider as well. While most of my friends my age are going through menopause and having hot flashes I am always freezing. That is one of the side effects of doing low carb. It helps with the hormones but if you have just had a baby and are nursing it takes a bit longer. You are doing great. You are right. There is no hurry. You are happy, your glucose is stable, you aren't going hungry. It works. You know it does. :)