Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Thoughts on Exercise

Yesterday i went all out. We have FitTv so at 5:30A I did Gilad's Total Body Sculpt without weights. I had to so some sidesteps and marching through half of the squats. Youch! I sped up the arm moves to be effective without weights. Later on I caught 10 minutes of All Star Workouts with Michelle May, a great stretching floor torso work that seemed very pilates like. I also caught 10 minutes of an ab workout. We took a 1 mile walk. And I warmed up last night with Shimmy but couldn't do the workout as E needed me. This morning I intended the same but E caused me to miss Gilad. So I thought I would do energy flow yoga with Shiva Rea, my absolutely fav yoga instructor I have many of her DVD's and she has given me tons of strength and flexibility and inches lost last year before E. Got 5 minutes in before declaring it far to advanced for an injured wrist and my out of shape body. I am going to keep one of her DVD's in to start more slowly. Anyways, my abdominals around my incision are burning in this weird tearing stretching pulling unnerving kind of way. YOUCH!!! So maybe taking a break from working out today.... I love working out and I tend to overdo.... and alot of it is the absence of guilt when I do work out!


Grace2882 said...

I take back what I said earlier about adding a walk. This is why you are stalled. Muscle weighs more than fat and you are building muscle from all this working out. I am not saying not to work out. But for a bit try measuring instead of going by the scales. You are doing serious toning here. I wish that I had your dedication to exercise but I don't. I work 50 hours a week at a very large hospital and with all of the walking while there I don't have the desire when I am home. You are doing great.

Star said...

Thanks again Grace! Sounds like you get in plenty of walking!