Sunday, December 27, 2009


I have been having a bit of Holiday depression and abusing low carb treats. Trying to use them as comfort food to heal/hide the condition of my heart and soul. I was just thinking that this morning as I woke up. Perfectly timed, and wanted to share what was in my inbox from Revive Our Hearts this morning:

"December 28, 2009

Never Give Up

Nancy Leigh DeMoss: It’s the season for making New Year’s Resolutions. Listen to one of Jonathan Edwards’ resolutions.

Jonathan Edwards: Resolved, never to give over nor in the least to slacken in my fight with my corruptions, however unsuccessful I may be.

Nancy: While we’re thinking about resolutions for better diet and exercise, Edwards’ resolution may seem a little quaint. He was resolving never to give up in the fight against sin. That’s an important resolution.

He knew there were temptations in his life that had a stronger grip than others. I’m the same way. There are sins that I’ve struggled with for years.

Edwards refused to get used to those besetting sins. He was resolved to wage relentless warfare against sin by the power of God’s Spirit.

Why not consider making that your resolution this year?

With Seeking Him, I’m Nancy Leigh DeMoss.

This transcript is taken from the nationally-syndicated
daily radio program Seeking Him with Nancy Leigh DeMoss."

Gluttony and addiction are sins and I am constantly beset by them. I am constantly waging war against them. Yet, I have rarely engaged God to assistin the battle. Except when I first started lc last year and had to constantly pray for the ability to choke down meat as I had been always a vegetarian. Much to think on, study on, and pray on this morning. Hopefully will have time before E wakes up.

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